AMAL 08 ya está aquí. La sexta edición del Festival Internacional de Cine Euro-Árabe AMAL 08 calienta motores y el 25 de este mes dará el pistoletazo de salida. La semana árabe llega a Santiago, como en las grandes superficies, pero más completa: largometrajes, documentales, cortometrajes, música, gastronomía...
Caney, por su parte, ofrece un menú degustación árabe que nos ayudará a imbuirnos en el espirito exótico y sensual de los trazados arabescos sobre la piedra compostelana.Para que vayáis abriendo boca, un ejemplo de lo que podréis degustar de la mano de la chef de gastronomía árabe en Caney.
Y aquí os va nuestra receta mensual para que intentéis en casa:
1 hoja de pasta brick , 4 langostinos, 1 diente de ajo, 1/2 limón en zumo, cilantro picado, aceite de oliva, mantequilla.
AMAL08 is already here. The sixth edition of the International Euro Arab Film Festival AMAL 08 is warming up and the 25th of this month will be the parting shot.
The Arab week comes to Santiago, like the ones in the department stores but better: feature films, documentaries, short films, music, gastronomy...
Caney gives you a tasting menu so you can start deepening in the arabesque contours drawn in the stone of Compostela.
As 'amuse bouche', here's a sample of what's in the menu by the Caney's Chef in Arabic gastronomy.
And here is our monthly recipe for you to try at home.
1 sheet of brick dough, 4 king prawns, 1 clove of garlic, ½ lemon juice finely chopped, coriander, olive oil, salt, butter.
For the Arab salad: 1 medium size tomato, ½ onion, 1 red pepper, 1 green pepper, 1 cucumber, olive oil, salt, a squeeze lemon juice, oregano.
Brown the king prawns with the rest of the chopped ingredients, stuff the brick sheet with it and make small triangles, well wrapped so that the filling does nos come out. Paint with butter and cook in the oven at 200ºC during 15 minutes, or until they are golden brown. Serve the briouats with the Arab salad as side dish.