Damos las gracias los gallegos por el primer valiente que osó cocinar semejante espécimen marino, porque, las cosas como son, el pulpo es horroroso, es que no es ni riquiño. Pero está delicioso.
El pulpo á feira es una de las razones por las que venir a Galicia, y una de las de peso. Al estilo feria es su traducción, y es que las fiestas es donde más se prodiga, que hasta dudas ya si la feria es por el pulpo o el pulpo es por la feria. Sal aceite y pimentón, que en cuestiones de pulpo, menos suele ser más.
Su preparación parece sencilla, y lo es, pero si antes sabes los trucos necesarios para que no te dediques a masticar el obstinado cefalópodo durante horas. Si no te apetece entrar en engorros y estás por la zona, el pulpo de Caney es el mejor ejemplo de un pulpo exquisito y de textura mantequilla, no sólo al estilo feria, el pulpo a la plancha con grelos y cachelos es un plato obligado en su menú. Si aún así, quieres probar suerte en la titánica lucha contra sus fibras, te damos la receta.
Al pulpo hay que darle una buena paliza, pero buena, que a los duros y chiclosos probablemente no los hayan ni regañado. Pero esto es tarea del forzudo pescador y la cantidad de rabia acumulada que quiera descargar contra las rocas por medio del animal.
Comprar el pulpo congelado es una buena manera de asegurarse la ternura, si se compra fresco, mejor congelarlo, porque se conservará durante meses con todo su sabor y conseguirás ablandarlo.
1 pulpo, aceite de oliva virgen extra, sal gruesa o Maldon, pimentón (preferentemente de la Vera.)
Modo de preparación.
Se necesita una gran cacerola, mejor de cobre, y mucha agua, cuanta más mejor.
Cuando el agua hierva, se sumerge el pulpo durante un minuto. Se saca y se deja enfriar otro minuto. Se repite la operación tres o cuatro veces, y luego se deja hervir durante media hora. Las pulperas más expertas, suelen ser mujeres, aseguran que el secreto del pulpo es dejarlo enfriar dentro de la olla, ya que es cuando realmente se ablanda, así que mejor dejarlo reposar, para asegurarse la textura deseada. Desaconsejamos, sin embargo la olla Express, ya que su carne pierde tersura.
Una vez cocido, se cortan los tentáculos con unas tijeras, se coloca en una fuente, mejor si es de madera, y rocía generosamente con un buen aceite de oliva y sal gruesa o Maldon, se espolvorea con pimentón y se consume inmediatamente.
Thanks to the first Galician who dared to cook such a sea specimen, because, to put things clear, octopus is a horrible animal, it is not even nice. But it is delicious. “Pulpo á feira” is one of the best reasons to come to Galicia. Cooked in the “fair style” is the translation and, in fact, that is where it used to be eaten mostly… One could even doubt whether the octopus was there because of the fair or the fair was there because of the octopus. For the dressing: salt, oil and sweet pepper, because when it comes to octopus less is more.
It seems easy to cook, and it is, if you know the necessary tricks to soften it, so that you do not to have to chew the damn cefalopodus for hours.
If you do not feel like bothering and you are in the area, Caney octopus is the best example for its exquisite taste and its soft texture; and not only “á feira”, grilled octopus with turnip tops and potatoes is a must in their menu. If you do not mind the effort and you feel like fighting against its titanic fibres, here is a recipe.
“Pulpo á feira”
You have to give the octopus a good beating, a real thrashing… It is quite likely that the hard and the gummy ones have not been scolded even. But this is something the fisherman has to do, so that he can give way to his anger beating the animal against the rocks.
Buying frozen octopus is a good way to make sure it is tender. If you buy it fresh, it is better to freeze it, because it keeps its full flavour for months and it will be softer.
1 octopus, good olive oil, salt, pepper
How to prepare it
You need a big casserole, it’s better if it’s a copper one, and a lot of water
When the water starts boiling, you put it in and leave it there for a minute. You take it out and leave it to cool for another minute. You repeat the operation three or four times and then you let it boil for half an hour. The most expert “pulpeiras” are usually women and they say that the secret is let it cool inside the pan, because that is when it gets really soft... so it is better to let it stand to make sure that you get the proper texture.
We advise against the pressure cooker, because the meat loses smoothness.
Once it is cooked the tentacles are cut with a pair of scissors, you put it in a serving dish, better if it is wooden, you drizzle plenty of good olive oil over it and sea (or Maldon) salt, you sprinkle it with pepper and serve it immediately.
It seems easy to cook, and it is, if you know the necessary tricks to soften it, so that you do not to have to chew the damn cefalopodus for hours.
If you do not feel like bothering and you are in the area, Caney octopus is the best example for its exquisite taste and its soft texture; and not only “á feira”, grilled octopus with turnip tops and potatoes is a must in their menu. If you do not mind the effort and you feel like fighting against its titanic fibres, here is a recipe.
“Pulpo á feira”
You have to give the octopus a good beating, a real thrashing… It is quite likely that the hard and the gummy ones have not been scolded even. But this is something the fisherman has to do, so that he can give way to his anger beating the animal against the rocks.
Buying frozen octopus is a good way to make sure it is tender. If you buy it fresh, it is better to freeze it, because it keeps its full flavour for months and it will be softer.
1 octopus, good olive oil, salt, pepper
How to prepare it
You need a big casserole, it’s better if it’s a copper one, and a lot of water
When the water starts boiling, you put it in and leave it there for a minute. You take it out and leave it to cool for another minute. You repeat the operation three or four times and then you let it boil for half an hour. The most expert “pulpeiras” are usually women and they say that the secret is let it cool inside the pan, because that is when it gets really soft... so it is better to let it stand to make sure that you get the proper texture.
We advise against the pressure cooker, because the meat loses smoothness.
Once it is cooked the tentacles are cut with a pair of scissors, you put it in a serving dish, better if it is wooden, you drizzle plenty of good olive oil over it and sea (or Maldon) salt, you sprinkle it with pepper and serve it immediately.